wrnet:sec v1.3 working for a criminal




Introduction: 3

Why: 3

What: 3

Background. 3

Brief History. 3

LVNet. 5

The TL;DR. 5

Timeline: 6

LVNet is a pay2win company or a front?. 8

Eastman Computer Wholesalers: 9

Ron Cook & Connecting Point LV(MSP): 10

Charles (CJ) Sattler: 11

Marty Mizrahi: 14





Why: I wanted to put down something to show where I came from, why I am telling this story, and furthermore I wanted to give insight about some people who are in fact criminals and put on a mask every day to make you think they are good people.

What: Recently I lost my job, based on discrimination, my job over time was being removed from me and I kept my mouth shut, just clock in do my work, clock out.  Just in the end, someone didn’t like me for me, made lies to HR and when it happened, I reached out to LVNet to see if I can get hired with them temp as I am looking for something, I was told rudely that I was un-hirable and all I did was apply to do something there. I emailed them, and Marty calls me directly (wait I thought, wasn’t he not in charge of LVnet anymore?) I explained to him what happened, and he told me “why didn’t you shut your mouth? You had a nice job” I was like wtf, that was the problem I didn’t say a damn thing. HR lady was beyond rude and mean towards me over the phone. I was also wondering why I am being treated this poorly? Didn’t I leave a positive impact when I left the last time. He candy coated, by telling me that he can’t hire me. As the dust sets down as I did find a new job, and then it hit me, an event recently as Elon Musk buys twitter and twitter did a whole buyout and rebrands it to X and it sparks up this idea here as I’ve seen this type of movement before.

So a bit of a background of where did I come from in a nutshell, I am vegas born and raised, I moved around a lot growing up, I didn’t have an actual home to call my own and always on the border line living homeless, I didn’t get a computer until I was 17, but within 17-19 I’ve picked up the knowledge from basic window 95 user to Unix master level hacker.  But I was poor, I grew up poor, I’ve had times of eating very little often. So coming in at this you have to put yourself in my shoes, that I was seeing and believing LVnet / and Marty was going to give me the success I wanted and needed to go from a rags to riches story with a massive hacker success story, but this that hacker story of someone who was rags to wtf story.

Brief History
I had mentioned this in my last few podcasts, and it was a great chunk of my story in my book. But I wanted to piece together my story with articles found, the mental abuse used against me, the harassment and verbal abuse that I’ve had directed towards me and that still exists to this day.

There is a lot of speculation in this as doing the investigation as the best I can with what I got and stories I’ve been told so I can only put 2 and 2 together to come up with what seems logical.

In the beginning of my employment as an example, the verbal abuse really started when Marty mentions the word Gfunk, you may think it was and is the gfunk era or gangster funk style of music but this name was an insult created in 2001/2002 as I was suffering from one of the lymphoma symptoms, “flatulence” un-controllable at most. Because of that and my name at the time started with G and my cancer symptoms the insult was created and I’ve always been known gfunk to him because of that. So every time he calls me that instead of my old name, I always see it as name calling, insult that always felt like he was laughing at me because I got cancer.

I have ethics, and mentioned before when I took over the ISP, I booted people out and ethically cleaned it up and patched their network / servers. Ethically, the only reason I wanted to work for the ISP, LasVegas.Net because I felt like I could be good fit, good boost to their cyber security, using ethics to cover ground and potentially grow with the company. Because if you look at their website back in the day, they talk about Netiquette, having strong ethics of what they do and how they are doing things. You would also assume at that point they practice what they preach, oh boy I was wrong.

So, to get started, I want to put this out there, I am not under ANY NDA, I have never signed anything in regards to be an actual employee, I worked under the table from 2000 – 2007 and 2011 – 2012. All I placed here is my point of view, the trauma I’ve experienced, the connections I’ve found publicly using OSInt (Open Source Intelligence) between one another.

Again, this is just all allegedly on most case scenario just pointing out the facts listed and shown drawing a huge picture.

Marty is a criminal and this is how I worked for him.





Marty buys a slue started in the whole dotcom raise and burst of mid 90’s. Noteable domains: Vegas.Com, Vegas.net, LasVegas.Net, LA.com, Hawaii.com, Illinios.com, NewJersey.com

Business practices is very shady in the start of my career, like example: for a customer to ever cancel they are required while they are on the phone, to have a written email written to billing.

Inner office harassment with both mental and physical abuse has been super rampant since I’ve started with Mark 1 apartments. To this day, sexual, racial, and physical harassment still run rampant with lvnet.

Lic. To show Time started / ended but nothing with ISP.

Random stuff like this? What does an ISP need transportation services for?

Correct license.


Failed project?
03/2024 – update the course of the trial that I’ve been following, alot of these where placed in false pretenses as a cover up for properties owned with 0 down payment fraud.


The Real timeline:

  • Sells Vegas.Com/Vegas.Net to Greenspun (LasVegasSun) in 2000
  • Late 99 – early 2000 starts LasVegas.net as an LLC (LVN) and does internet service provider.
  • CJ is the Sole Ownership, as Vegas.net was another failure due to name and reputation from ECW (Eastman Computer Wholesalers)
  • Partnership with Ron Cook’s connecting point with a trade off as CJ handles their pre-existing T1 offering and CJ and LVNet used that as a true selling point for internet offering and financial backing and goes as far as 1998-99
  • Late 2000, I started to work for Marty, starting at the Mark 1 tower as Ron Cook and Marty’s partnership was in more of a deal and more of a financial boost and getting some rooms to move business into.
  • 2001 – 2002 attempts to partnership with the media with Fox5 with an insider but because of that partnership the leadership was changed over with Fox5 causing the deal to be broken.
  • 2001-2002 sells LA.com to fund lvn more.
  • 2002 buys out lanwaves, acquires technology and cliental, terminates employee’s and dissolves the name. P2P and P2MP wireless is a failed technology and lanwaves knows it couldn’t compete especially with Fibre connections are starting to roll out, higher demands for faster speeds.
  • 2006 – 2007 buys out a partnership with ITWerx absorbs an web development company. Fires most of the cost guzzling employee’s keeping only known felons, expired green card holders, brings ITwerx Owner Nick Phillips as a partner.
  • Purchases 2007 – 2008 Amerilynx, absorbs clients, fires employee’s and dissolves the name
  • 2011 – purchases Cheetah wireless, absorbs clients, fires employees & had a small deal that ended with a law suit in 2016 and Cheetah wireless wins according to Case No. A-16-738043-B.
  • Purchases building late 2010 – 2011 later became DC2, DC3 and DC4 utilized for storage location and forgotten about and mostly used for Bitcoin farming.
  • Buys dead Harley Davidson dealership off of Karen and Eastern to store Cars into
  • Buys a hotel in 2017 and dubs it Hotel Lasvgas.net (it’s still ran down hotel on a very bad location)
  • Buys Lasvegan Magazine sometime in 2009+ and dubs it Lasvegas.net magazine.
  • Still known to hire felons and undocumented workers.
  • Sometime between 2009 – 2011 LasVegas.net became a more focus on a travel website and lv.net the actual services website.
  • Big client sales have been an extremely big challenge for them as they don’t have the team, man power, nor the correct direction to do so. So when they do get big clients they end up losing them after the contract is over if not sooner due to breach of contract.
  • DC3/DC4 both run down storage facilities but also was told and claimed was built for bitcoin mining, DC3 was burned down for allegedly illegally tampering with the city power. (2024) Another allegedly possibilit a roofer retaring the roof did a bad job or something along that lines.

LVNet is a pay2win company or a front?
And here is why.

  • Doesn’t take marketing seriously.
  • Doesn’t take competition seriously.
  • Keeps buying businesses absorbing clientele.
  • The structure is setup just to keep the lights on.
  • Key players of the company have no faith into growing the company.
    • Calls it the Walmart of Internet
    • Creates fake personas and attempts to market their network, leaks massive cyber security information about infrastructure with cringe videos.
  • On top of the residual income, Relays on outside income to purchase more dying businesses for more clientele. Instead of boosting the marketing and properly move up with reinvesting where it counts.
  • Buys random businesses to put up signs, uses it for storage and thinks it’s marketing or in assumption to cover up for something else bigger going on



Eastman Computer Wholesalers:

  • Started in around early 90’s
  • In between 95-97 business had some type of FBI case as rumored but was unable to get more details.
  • 96-97 had lawsuits suing the company for over 11k in breech of contracts.
  • 98 ECW close its doors
  • Between the time, being a company for computers had deals with Connecting Point where the relationship became.
  • CJ stated once being raided by the FBI but was reluctant to state if this was an at home or business. This might be related.


Ron Cook & Connecting Point LV(MSP):

  • 83, Is a CPA (Accountant) starts a business with Computers and Point of sales.
  • 1990 Becomes a state senator, lobbies to take on government contracts while in office.
  • Between 95 – 98, Becomes partnered with LVnet, as they take over internet providing using their rad server and utilizing it as a T1 provider.
  • Is one of the financial backers for lvnet since the beginning, but makes it legal like in 2016.
  • ConnectingPoint failed as an company middle of economy crash 07-09 era,
  • Kortek Services enters a partnership with connecting point and absorbs clientele, becomes lvnet’s computer repair person since I’ve departed in 07.
  • At the same time of 07-09 BCT is formed and most of employee’s from Connecting point.
  • Ron Cook has extreme Anger issues when it comes to bad business. I’ve witnessed him screaming ontop of his lungs at various co-workers and even Marty once.



Charles (CJ) Sattler:

  • On paper, owner of LVnet.
  • Turns blind eyes for when people are in trouble, unless it affects him directly.
  • Ethical until Marty does something that puts Marty and / or lvnet’s name in vain.
  • A big liar for Marty
  • Goes to UNLV to study & major in business, does horrible business ethics, practices.
  • Extremely cringe with business networking and is very bad at marketing.
  • Utilize Stolen and / or secondhand hardware, mostly from eBay deals.
  • A poor Admin, but an ok network engineer,
  • Extremely overconfident.
  • Verbally abusive and abusive with power.
  • Plays pranks as a fun thing that is typically harassment style pranks. (fakes a business name, uses an random employee’s number and does some pranks to cause a massive call harassment)

Attempted to build a side business called Xilocore, in the midst of an economic disaster of 2007 / 2009. Dies and gets purchased to another company.

Image: Circa 9/3/2023 (this was posted 1/2023)

The Cringe carries on. Brock Bytes is CJ, and this is bad for business and here is why,
1) This cringes any cyber security or business leader as it shows too much information about sensitive data, thus loosing trust before you can land that next big client if they see this. Last thing they need is their information linked to a cringe video exposing private information, such as customer data.
2) Creating a persona for a business you run, shows that you have 0 faith in the company you run.
3) All videos show is extremely cringe that no one will take this company serious and too much cringe won’t win the viral award for being the most cringe internet video. (kinda feel like they belong on PBS 20+ years ago)
4) I highly recommend, stick to network engineering you are kinda good at it.

Marty Mizrahi:

From my point of view, and various of years of angry blogging and looking back:

  • Verbally abusive to employee’s, friends, and even clients.
  • Mentally abusive to employee’s
    • Known for Gaslighting abuse mostly uses false promises
      • Gaslighting: making me to believe that I will be a partner or will have a good % of the company when sold. Uses that to drive me to make me believe I am going to make it if I keep at it.
    • Known for utilizing DARVO for almost every situation that points him to blame.
      • DARVO_1: When it came down to dropping a bill on his desk, from the original agreement we would have a 1 on 1 meeting where discuss to deny that I am a human being, places me as if I was useless when it came down to money, puts me as a victim against my own parents talking extreme and making me believe my own parents, mother included are trash people. Always insisted to protect me against it that he forcefully becomes my financial adviser and money handler.
      • DARVO_2: Discussing money topics, deny that he is a bad money handler, still makes me the victim to my allegedly bad parents. Now uses my parents as a scapegoat for him being in the situation to be my money handler. If I ever let him go from it, I am worth less than $10/hour to him, I am a worthless human being.
    • Known other mental abuse:
      • Argument, because of he is handling my finances and money that what he suggests must go. Car situation, my first car in 2002 I didn’t get to pick it, it was suggested that I go one way and ultimately, I ended up in cars I never wanted in the first place but what was forced upon me
      • Argument, house location, price of house, 2006 was a worse time to buy houses / homes, 2004 ish after a long battle with insurance company I was awarded 50k for the rollover accident in 2003, granted Marty had full control over the money situation and getting that awarded to me, I was strong armed to sign that check over to Marty (see darvo_2) after 2 years, he was suggesting that this 50k will be used for a house down payment, the moment I took 3 week vacation to the Philippines trip is the moment I lost the argument as I was strong armed into giving Marty power of attorney and went forward buying a house I didn’t want behind my back.
    • Very Secretive, always leaving people in the dark especially if he has you to believe he is an honest person that next call can result into a grunt work that can have FBI pointing weapons at your head.
    • He is the true owner of LasVegas.Net while utilizing CJ as the name to LVnet if something happens, name tarnished when starting Vegas.net and with dealings with Eastman Computer Wholesalers.
    • Extremely Racist, Sexist, and jokes with racism and sexism to a point of extreme abuse and never HR friendly.
    • Massive Traffic ticket problem and burning lawyers to keep his name clean, he would often get caught speeding 80-100+ in 35 – 45mph zones.
    • Physically abusive, I’ve witnessed people having to wrestle marty for their paycheck

Public Details showing how physical he really does get.

Caught in Arizona the massive speed over the speed limits. In Nevada everything gets dropped to a parking ticket due to Nevada state loophole.

Red Flags:

  • Oct of 2003, acquires Stolen goods, a big pallet Vodka. (He is an internet guy why vodka? Especially when he doesn’t drink)
  • Constant always going to the clubs every day of the week, living the party lifestyle.
    Questionable because: if you are not focusing on growing the business during normal times, you are doing business at these clubs looking for the perfect opportunity even if it’s illegal.
  • Always refers to himself as a Pimp
  • Always uses Racism, sexism, and other words as a joke
  • Always consistently harassing various employees from anger harassment with verbal abusive words to racism verbal abuse, especially being of the skin of color.
  • Always drove 90/100mph where he goes all the time.
  • Zero ethics for employee’s, clients and others.

When I worked for Marty / LasVegas.Net he had me doing fraud During the 00’s – 07  lvn tour and I only did this because I felt obligated with his attack with Gaslighting me on becoming a partner.

  • Change Dates and Time on insurance cards to defraud traffic tickets
  • Change Dates and Time on emails to lie to clients and / or others
  • Lie for him when he would direct calls to the main helpdesk.
  • Using Pirated software for clients.
  • Encode HU / H Cards for Direct TV.

This is a recent issue with Marty, and this paints a perfect picture of what I have been putting together.


More recent evidence to support the claims.

Martin Mizrahi “Marty” vs Cheetah Wireless
Martin Mizrahi New inditment of 2023

In closing to finally close this chapter in my life this mentally this affected me in that the following ways.

  • Making me believe I’ve made it in life if I listen to him and do what he says continues on for 7 years with nothing to show.
  • 16 years later leaving this company.
    • Realized how this didn’t just ruin my life but it also ruined others around me.
      • My marriage, during the 7 years, I believed the his lie so much I was living a dream of the lie thus I brought that into consideration that the lie used brought forth some one’s life from the Philippines she also showed me that I was living a lie.
      • Feeling like I’ve made it, exploiting my optimism and ignorance from someone (me) who actually came from nothing and borderline homeless.
    • Learning self-worth working for other companies is much greater than being told hurtful things to make me believe I am worthless as a human being.
    • Plays heavy on my emotions for the need of friend / family the ern for being something and someone.
  • My thoughts in returning in 2011 – 2012 – 11 years ago
    • Still under the table offer
    • Still worth less than $10/hour
    • Still verbally abusive from both CJ and Marty side
    • Co-workers extremely disgruntled uneasy to work with
    • Asking for anything is immediately denied especially trying to step up
    • Lost faith in returning as I am still feeling that I am worth nothing to lvnet.
  • 2019 – 2020 after a talk at the Christmas party, I decided to give an offer to make me a partner but was told I was too expensive for him, and I never drawn up a price but was put off and laughed at.
  • 2023 – In a time of need I’ve asked for help, but he refused after some going back and forth with his extremely rude employe who the HR manager and Marty is.

03/2024 – Kevin Gregg – Found something new and interesting.

  • Met Marty in 1989, states Marty’s original move to Vegas was in 1991.
  • Moved to Vegas in 93
  • Sometime in from 93 to my starting with Lasvegas.net he acquired his leading role in connecting point sales team lead.
  • 2011 Found he stalked my linked in to notify marty that I was back in Las Vegas which explains Marty all of a sudden new I was back and wanted to know if I wanted a job.
  • Marty’s number 1 fan since the time late 80’s early 90’s of a apparent car jacking that almost acquired their lives. According to his statement, he pictures Marty as a completely honest person.

In conclusion, obviously this makes me scared to say now because of the long term mental and verbal abuse I was put through, and if you venture across the archive internet I’ve written blogs on this frustration, this mental abuse from 2003 – 2007 on both wondrigraven.net and g-funk.net and forever cached on the internet archive.

I can only look back and state that I should not have applied but here we are, I get to tell my story and show what kind of person this guy is and how his abuse tells it is ok for the rest of the team to act the same way that he does.

I have had people tell me not to listen to him, to actually break the ties with him and yes I should have, I really wished at this point back then, but I was stuck in the limbo of will I get what I seek finally? Will today be the day?

Best way to describe the situation Lets take a look at a show currently being aired by Hulu (spoilers if you have not seen it) called “What we do in the shadows” Nandor a vampire lord and Guillermo his familiar, Guillermo wanting to be a vampire and Nandor puts him off stating tomorrow I’ll make you a vampire and it goes on for 10 years.  Metaphorically speaking, Marty in this situation is Nandor and I was Marty’s familiar as he promised me a partnership for 7 years and I didn’t want to break that as it was the success I was looking for because if you look at these famous hackers today, who hacked into things and got famous, I wanted this to be my success story.  So, I gave up most of my life (these 7 years), taken in the verbal and mental abuse like I was tank, even with my battle with cancer I fought tooth and nail to show I was worthy. But realistically, in the criminal world, I am just a pawn.

To this day, I know I am much better than any one of them because proved myself to be much smarter, and better. My ethics and having a heart of gold that I actually care for people just shows how much better I am than any of them and if you ask me now, I just feel like I did all of that for all them years for nothing, I’ve gotten knowledge but that is basically all and to think about it, I’ve wasted my time, and not knowing is half of the battle, I in the end wished I had an better understanding the criminal front LVnet has become.

My word is even for a newcomer to any job especially being an intern, never take verbal abuse from anyone you work for, never allow them to mentally abuse you, always have writing of anything and never move forward until there is action. Be sure to know your rights and be sure there is a strong set of HR rules in place.